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Three simple tips for improving the conversion rate of your donation form

Donation page conversion rates are certainly a hot topic! There is an awful lot you can get involved with here – but let’s start with some basics. You’ll be able to implement these tips on day one, I promise – and they’ll definitely improve your conversion rates. And then … you just need to keep improving it!

Video transcription

Below is a transcription of the video for those who prefer to read rather than watch!

Okay, I haven’t seen your donation page, but I’m going to give you three things you can do today to try and increase the conversions on it.

First one, simplify your donation widget. If you’re embedding direct from a provider like Blackbaud or DonorBox, then you’re not optimising that process.

If you can customise the content in there, add some images, basically break down those very long forms into something simpler, then you’ll definitely increase your conversions.

Secondly, connect better with your audience. On that donation page, make sure you’re aligning your audience’s values with the work that you’re doing and with the money that they are spending.

Make sure you can tie in their donation with the values that they have come to your site with.

Thirdly, try and productise your donations in ways which are meaningful to your audience. That could be in terms of a comparison.

So your donation is equivalent to one cup of coffee a week or whatever it could be, or it could be in terms of a benefit. So you’re providing one hot meal per day for this amount. Productising your donations makes it much more tangible to potential donors.

So three quick things and hopefully they help.

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