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Why start with a full website audit?

Hiring a web design & development agency can be a risk. Often, organisations start a new relationship with a full new project – a new website, an aspect of digital transformation not yet attempted, or the integration of a new technology like a CRM or donation platform. These are risky junctures where you put your faith with an agency you may not have worked with before.

An audit removes that risk. It is a starting point for a new relationship – we get to figure one another out while carrying out incredibly useful, detailed research into what is required from your website. It’s crucial work, and it’s lower risk.

Carry out the audit, discuss the takeaways – and then decide whether or not to proceed with us for the larger project. You can’t lose – and you get to road test the relationship properly, at a point of lower risk for everyone.

It is a plan to improve the performance of your business website. It is geared towards businesses not directly selling online, but those who use their website to generate interest in products or services – a brochure website.

What is it?

It is a thorough analysis of your existing website, with an actionable plan for its continued improvement and success. We undertake user testing, statistical analysis, conversion rate assessment, and a whole raft of testing & benchmarking to get a thorough understanding of where your website can improve.

Whether your traffic is measured in the dozens or hundreds of thousands, we will assess ways in which the site can be improved to match your business goals.

Who is it for?

Established organisations

If your website has been up and running for a while, but you’re unsure if it’s really pulling its weight, a website audit can give you the clarity you need. You might feel your site is due for a refresh, but without the data or insights to know exactly where to start, it’s hard to make the right call. We dig deep into how your website is performing against your goals, so you can move forward confidently with improvements that actually matter.

Why an audit is a smart move:

  • Discover how well your site is achieving your key objectives.
  • Identify areas that are holding back your site’s performance, from speed to SEO.
  • Get an in-depth look at user experience—are visitors sticking around or bouncing?
  • See how your content is working (or not) and learn how to optimize it.
    Uncover hidden technical issues that could be hurting your website’s results.
  • Gain a clear roadmap for improvements based on real insights, not guesswork

Re-branded (or re-branding) organisations

Going through a rebrand is a huge opportunity—but it also comes with challenges. Your website is one of your most visible brand assets, and it needs to reflect your new values, tone, and direction. Our audit helps you evaluate what’s working and what needs to evolve to ensure your website perfectly matches your refreshed identity.

Why an audit is essential during a rebrand:

  • Ensure your website communicates your new brand message and tone of voice.
  • Review your content to align with updated services and offerings.
  • Evaluate the design to reflect your new visual identity and style.
  • Check for consistency in user experience across all pages and devices.
  • Spot any outdated or irrelevant content that may detract from your rebrand.
  • Get strategic recommendations on making your website the cornerstone of your new brand.

Brand new organisation grappling with overwhelm

Starting from scratch can be exciting, but also overwhelming. If you’re a new organization looking to launch a website, you might not know where to begin. That’s where our audit comes in. We help you clarify your goals, lay out a roadmap, and give you a clear understanding of what your website needs to succeed, so you can hit the ground running.

Why an audit is a great first step:

  • Get a clear understanding of what you need your website to do for your organization.
  • Define the key functionalities that will make your site work for you (not the other way around).
  • Identify what content should be prioritized to engage your audience right from the start.
  • Learn about the best technologies and platforms for your specific needs.
    Ensure your website is scalable and future-proof, ready to grow with you.
  • Start off with a solid foundation, so you avoid costly missteps down the road.

Organisations with Declining or Stagnant Website Performance

If your website traffic or conversions have been dropping—or maybe things have plateaued—this is a strong indicator that it’s time to revisit what’s working and what’s not. Whether it’s a drop in SEO rankings, slow load times, or just a dated design, our audit can help diagnose the problem and get your site back on track.

Why an audit is important in this case:

  • Identify specific issues that could be causing a decline in traffic or conversions.
  • Evaluate site speed and performance factors that may affect user experience.
  • Analyze SEO performance and discover opportunities for improvement.
  • Assess mobile responsiveness and accessibility for a broader audience reach.
  • Uncover any technical errors or broken links that may be damaging your site’s reputation.
  • Receive actionable steps to boost user engagement and recover lost ground.

Nonprofits Looking to Improve Donation Conversions

For charities and nonprofits, your website is often the primary platform for engaging donors and driving donations. If donations are not meeting expectations, or you’re not sure how to optimize your website to improve donor conversions, an audit can provide the insights you need to strengthen your online presence.

Why an audit can be a game-changer for nonprofits:

  • Analyze donation funnels to discover where potential donors drop off.
  • Evaluate how well your call-to-actions (CTAs) and donation buttons perform.
  • Assess how your content resonates emotionally and strategically with your audience.
  • Review donor engagement tools and integrations with CRMs or email platforms.
  • Identify technical barriers (e.g., slow load times or confusing forms) that may hurt conversions.
  • Get a step-by-step plan to optimize your website for higher donations

Organisations looking to improve accessibility and compliance

With increasing focus on website accessibility and data privacy regulations (like GDPR or ADA compliance), organizations need to ensure that their site is not only functional but also legally compliant. An audit can help you identify gaps in accessibility and compliance and provide solutions to ensure inclusivity and avoid legal issues.

Why an audit helps protect and enhance your organisation:

  • Review the site for compliance with accessibility standards (e.g., WCAG 2.1).
  • Ensure compatibility with screen readers and other assistive technologies.
  • Evaluate site forms, buttons, and navigation for usability by all users.
  • Check for data privacy compliance (GDPR, CCPA, etc.) to safeguard user trust.
  • Identify any weak spots in security that could put sensitive information at risk.
  • Receive actionable steps to bring your site up to standard in a way that benefits all users

Learn more ...

To get started, we’ll need the background to your organisation. What is the specific situation you’re in right now. We’ll have an initial discovery call – 60 to 90 minutes – where we’ll go into detail about the specific challenges are you facing.

Then, we’ll take the information from that call and go about a thorough analysis of your current website. Our approach is to carry out a heuristic analysis and share our findings in a checklist of improvements that can be made over the coming weeks and months.

Your site will be reviewed by myself, our lead developer, an SEO expert and a User Experience Expert. We’ll dig into your data, and give the website a thorough run through.

Then, it’s time for our 2 hour bootcamp session! We deliver this online through Zoom and we recommend that there are at least three of your team there … anyone who has a direct influence on the strategy and direction of your website. We’ll record the session though, so you can share it through the company – but if you can attend live, you should.

Through the bootcamp we’ll go through the quick wins you can make on your website to see an immediate uptick in performance – but you’ll also get a more detailed report afterwards for you to digest thoroughly.

It doesn’t end there …

You’ll have access to the full team throughout the next 30 days to answer any questions you have. We can schedule zoom calls to review face to face. Use that time to clarify anything that came up in the bootcamp, firm up courses of action, get feedback on other plans & ideas … it’s up to you.

Everything that’s included:

  • Heuristic analysis of current website offering
  • Live one-on-one session with me to discuss the reports and who you can work to improve your website
  • Summary of the session with recommendations – including the action list and scope for more far reaching strategies to improve your web presence
  • Analytics & performance analysis carried out by an SEO expert
  • Recordings of real-life users trying your website while speaking their thoughts
  • 30 day access to me by phone or email

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Accessibility Checklist

Grab a copy of our accessibility checklist and improve the inclusivity and engagement of your website.

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