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Modular WordPress solution, built for ease of updates and easy content creation - with ongoing maintenance provided for this growing, evolving charity.

Who They Are

When the long established charity the Schistosomiasis Control Initiative Foundation went through a year long re-branding and re-focusing process, a new website was a key component to their digital transformation.

They went through a name change, a domain name change – with all the SEO headaches that go with it – a complete re-brand and, of course, a brand new website.

We stepped in to design and develop the website, working alongside the lovely branding agency, Door 22, and the hugely respected charity SEO agency, Torchbox. Together we powered through their website brief, delivering performance (both in terms of donations and website performance) along with a fresh new design which better reflected their purpose, their values, and their mission.

The new name: Unlimit Health reflects their new strategy as they move away from disease control to disease elimination. Since 2002, when the SCIF was founded with a £20m grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, they have administered more than 1 billion treatments against parasitic infections.

Their new strategy: eliminate the infections altogether. It’s bold, ambitious, and reflected in their brand and web design.

Where They Were

When SCIF came to us, they were working with a Squarespace website and running up against familiar restrictions & frustrations; lack of control over editing, unable to create multi-level menus, lack of control over their own donation process, and the restrictions inherent with a hosted website solution.

We underwent a total web transformation with them. Their new site, developed on WordPress gives them ultimate flexibility. We don’t use packaged themes or page builders – we crafted a modular solution built to reflect their content creation needs.

This way they can add content modules (for example, a gallery, designed blocks of text, a testimonial section, multiple header / banner options, etc.) to any page or post they wish to, and drag them into order, without fear of any content they add disrupting their branding or style guide.

All the modules we built are available on all the pages they create. Theirs to do with as they please; just add the content, drag it in to place, and it’s guaranteed to remain on brand and looking snappy.

In addition to this much needed flexibility around content creation, performance enhancements were key. Their old site was slow. Slow like molasses. Their new site … not so much. Even with a lovely video on their home page, we made huge improvements to the performance – reducing the home page size from 7.3Mb down to 1.4Mb, and improving the ‘fully loaded’ time from over 6 seconds down to just under 2. Boom.

And here we are ...

So, the website flies – and thanks to the work of Door 22, the branding sings. A shoutout also to Torchbox who, despite the name change, domain name change, focus change, everything change … managed to maintain rankings for all the key phrases that work so well for them.

All that’s really good news, obviously. The thing we’re most proud of however is the relationship we managed to build with the team at Unlimit Health. Starting with the delivery of online training on how to operate their new website, and going through the process of maintenance schedules and operating procedures to maintain that performance … they are now a long term partner for us, and we happily host & maintain their website – keeping everything ship shape and in tip-top condition. Hurrah!

Ethical Digital did a fantastic job of interpreting our new brand and translating this onto our new website. The new website is also much more user-friendly, meaning our team can continue to adapt it easily. That Ethical Digital offer hosting and ongoing support services makes what would have been a big challenge to a small organisation like ours a much smoother transition.

Paula Plaza, Head of Communications Unlimit Health

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We work with charities, non-profits, third sector and for purpose organisations looking to grow. If you want to love your website again, get in touch.

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