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Modular WordPress solution, designed to grow along with the ambitious plans of this charity. Easy to use, easy to manage, and with ongoing support & maintenance provided for this flourishing charity website.

Who They Are

Team Domenica are a wonder. They provide innovative employment programmes to support young people with learning disabilities. Their ‘candidates’ are prepared for their role as people ready for paid work, and Team Domenica guide them – uniquely, personally – toward this end goal.

They work throughout Brighton & Hove and partner with many local businesses to provide opportunities that young adults with learning disabilities just wouldn’t ordinarily get. They run innovative fundraising programmes and are run by a team that are dynamic, personable and driven.

A new website was to be a cornerstone for their future growth; they needed it to confirm their enterprising plans to support more young people than ever, to grow in lock step with their enthusiasm.

The website needed to be easy to manage, easy to update, and completely free of the fear they would sometimes feel previously when looking to make changes.

Where They Were

For a few years they had leaned on a creaky website that was starting to show some familiar frustrations: hard to manage, hard to add pages, hard to change the structure … and all built on top of a tangled web of plugins that hadn’t been updated for fear of the whole thing falling down.

Their website did not have a proper events section – crucial for ongoing fundraising activities, nor a proper blog section. Their shop was … errr, unreliable and they had no meaningful way to report on Gift Aid contributions through the shop. It was all a bit sticky tape & string.

(sidebar: gah! we see this so often … websites left unattended where the mess of plugins have  not been updated for months, years – or at all. Ask your web dev partner to help!)

And here we are ...

So, the website flies (it’s hosted on the green green servers over at, no longer breaks if you look at the plugins, and works well for the whole team at Team Domenica. A crucial part of the plan was that we trained and supported the team there with their ongoing efforts to expand and promote the website. So we are their every step of the way to help their staff get the most out of their website.

We’re really proud of the relationship we have built with the team there – their whole marketing, fundraising & comms team, and we feel like an extension of their efforts to improve the lot of young people with learning disabilities.


The whole team at Ethical Digital took care to understand our audiences and convey the core messages in a way that is relevant and responsive to them. I feel that all input from stakeholders is considered and helpful solutions offered at every stage of the project.

Majda Ledden, Marketing Manager, Team Domenica

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